Salt and drought stress signal transduction in plants. salt and drought stress signal transduction consists of ionic and osmotic homeostasis signaling pathways, detoxification (i.e., damage control and repair) response pathways, and pathways for growth regulation.

Xiong and zhu, 2002 ). because the activity of phospholipase c in plants might be regulated by g-proteins, and phosphoinositols modulate the expression of these lea-like genes under cold, drought, and salt stress (see below), g-protein–associated receptors may exist and function in the perception of a secondary

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Jul 28, 2008 scope: the effects of drought and salt stresses on photosynthesis are either direct (as the diffusion limitations through the stomata and

When compared with drought, salt stress affected more genes and more intensely, possibly reflecting the combined effects of dehydration and osmotic stress in salt-stressed plants. key words: photosynthesis, stress, drought, salt, stomatal, mesophyll and biochemical limitations, gene expression, signalling

These results indicate that ossik1 plays important roles in salt and drought stress tolerance in rice, through the activation of the antioxidative system (2010), receptor-like kinase ossik1 improves drought and salt stress tolerance in rice (oryza sativa) plants. the plant journal, 62: 316–329. doi: 10.1111/j.1365

Drought and salt stress tolerance of arabidopsis (arabidopsis thaliana) plants increased following treatment with the nonprotein amino acid {beta}

Drought and salt stress tolerance of arabidopsis (arabidopsis thaliana) plants increased following treatment with the nonprotein amino acid -aminobutyric acid (baba), known as an inducer of resistance against infection of plants by numerous pathogens.

This article gives an overview on the various effects of drought and salt stress, presents various aspects of the biochemical and plant physiological background of this phenomenon and tries to give a solid explanation for it.

Temperature regime, drought and salt stress on germination characteristics of pennisetum divisum. seeds were germinated at four alternating temperatures

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